15 WORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEWS OCTOBER 2014 Editorial | Expert Point of View | Gastro 2015: AGW/WGO | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events objective setting, instruction using competent competence breakdown and PEF were emphasized. Charac-terization of polyps using NBI and delineating the extent of polyps using chromo endoscopy was standard for all polyps. The standard use of EMR by lifting with a solution of Indigo Carmine Blue, Gelofusin and dilute adrenaline for almost all polyps. The TCT participants then rotated through a lower GI polypectomy training station and an Upper GI therapy model station. These were performed using WIMAT models (developed in Wales) animal tissue models. These had good face validity and allowed realistic therapy sessions to take place. The use of various JAG developed assessment tools eg DOPS as well the computerised system developed by JAG (JETS) for trainees to document and track their training was explained and reinforced during the course. My overall impression was that the international participants found the course to be of great value for their personal practice in colonoscopy and that they all had to practice to become consciously competent in the method of colonoscopy taught in the UK. Most felt that would appreciate an Upskilling in Colonoscopy course for themselves and their training center. Most felt that adapting the UK in their country/center may be difficult due to entrenched standards of prac-tice such as deep conscious sedation given by anaesthetists that precluded position change during colonoscopy especially in heavy patients. Individual participants were asked to consider introducing various aspects of the course in their daily practice. Further discussions were held with Andrew Veitch and John Stebbing re-garding future collaboration between the BSG, WGO and JAG. There was enthusiastic cooperation, and it was agreed that further collaboration was desirable. The NHS/JAG/BSG comprehen-sive plan for ensuring quality in colo-noscopy has resulted in a world class system of training and performance in colonoscopy that has been intro-duced to countries such as Canada and Australia. It is envisaged that by partnering with the BSG and JAG, the WGO will be able to encourage its accredited training centers to adopt the best practice that was on show in Wolverhampton.
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