17 WORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEWS JANUARY 2015 Editorial | Expert Point of View | Gastro 2015: AGW/WGO | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events Global Efforts to Advance Gastroenterology Earns Henry Cohen, MD, FACG the 2014 ACG International Leadership Award Described by a colleague as a tour de force in Latin America in the develop-ment of various educational programs for training junior faculty, ACG is proud to honor Dr. Henry Cohen with the 2014 ACG International Leadership Award. As an educator and researcher, Dr. Cohen has more than 250 presentations, lectures, papers or books presented or published in more than 30 countries throughout Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Presently, Dr. Cohen is Professor and Chair of the department of gastroen-terology at the University of Uruguay in Montevideo and is responsible for the training of all gastroenterologists in the country as well as providing direc-tion for all educational and research activities in the nation. Continuing the work of his predecessor, Elbio Zeballos, Dr. Cohen has advanced the development of all aspects of modern gastroenterology in Uruguay and the promulgation of an evidence-based and scientific approach to the practice. In addition to distinguishing himself as a leader in advancing practice in his country, Dr. Cohen has had even greater influence throughout Latin America and beyond. Among his lead-ership roles, Dr. Cohen has served as President of the Uruguayan Society of Gastroenterology, promoting engage-ment of Uruguayan gastroenterology with the rest of the world. Emerging as a true leader of, and advocate for, gastroenterology throughout Latin America, Dr. Cohen has also served as Secretary General of the Inter- American Society of Gastroenterology (AIGE), helping to initiate scholarships for trainees, and the World Gastroen-terology Organisation (WGO), serving as President of the WGO from 2011- 2013. His efforts with the WGO have showcased a number of WGO Train-ing Centers and Train the Trainers (TTT) programs, in both English and Spanish, throughout Latin America. In fact, Latin America has hosted more Training Centers and presented more TTTs than any other region in the world. Other leadership roles include President of the Governing Board of Hospital de Clínicas (National University Hospital) and President of the Fundacíon Manuel Quintela (Foundation related to Hospital de Clínicas). He was also awarded master of American Gastroenterology in 2010, having been nominated by the Interamerican Association of Gastro-enterology (AIGE), just one of many awards he has earned. Dr. Cohen has also served in leader-ship roles with the College having served as a member of the Interna-tional Affairs Committee and Associ-ate Editor of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Additionally, he has been instrumental creating close ties between the College and the WGO that has led to ACG hosting the 2017 World Congress of Gastroenterology in association with the 2017 ACG An-nual Scientific Meeting and Postgradu-ate Course. Dr. Cohen is married to Débora and has two children. Reprinted with permission from the American College of Gastroenterology. This article originally appeared n the December 2014 ACG Update. ACG Immediate Past President, Dr. Harry E. Sarles, Jr. with Dr. Henry Cohen, WGO Past President and Chair of Nominations.
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