9 WORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEWS FEBRUARY 2017 Editorial | Expert Point of View | Gastro 2016: EGHS-WGO | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events Welcome to WDHD 2017 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Navigating Evolving Therapies in an Evolving Disease Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of idiopathic chronic inflammatory intestinal conditions. The two main disease categories are Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcer-ative colitis (UC), which have both overlapping and distinct clinical and pathological features. The pathogenesis of IBD is in-completely understood. Genetic and environmental factors such as altered luminal bacteria and enhanced intes-tinal permeability play a role in the dysregulation of intestinal immunity, leading to gastrointestinal injury. In the absence of knowing definite causes of IBD there are currently several therapies that dampen the aberrant immune response. Some therapies in development are aimed at the gut mi-crobiome. These therapies can range from diet supplements to fecal trans-plantation. As IBD is increasingly a worldwide disease one challenge will be to determine if therapies proven to be effective in one population will be comparably effective in another. Another challenge will be to facilitate access to novel expensive therapies in lesser privileged countries. The World Gastroenterol-ogy Organisation (WGO) will raise awareness of IBD through its an-nual public advocacy and awareness campaign, World Digestive Health Day (WDHD). WDHD is celebrated each year on May 29th with associated activities and initiatives continuing throughout and beyond the campaign year. WDHD will provide gastroen-terologists, their patients and the lay public, with an understanding of the latest basic and clinical research in the pathogenesis, investigation and treat-ment of IBD. This campaign seeks to translate research into clinical practice and facilitate communication between physicians, pharmacists, allied health professionals, healthcare payers and the public. We want to ensure that patients receive appropriate dietary and lifestyle advice as well as appropriate investiga-tions and treatment, relevant to their condition and circumstances. We want to ensure awareness of the disease and its management is raised in countries where IBD is being increasingly and newly diagnosed. The WGO’s task will be supported by a Steering Committee with a global perspective. The Steering Committee will provide expertise on IBD, guiding the course of the campaign and the development of the educational and training materials, in collaboration with WGO Member Societies, which will define this global initiative and provide the resources to sustain the effort throughout the year. Through a multi-faceted WDHD 2017 campaign, The WGO seeks to achieve two main goals: firstly, to provide simple messages for the gen-eral public in order to assist them in understanding how IBD affects one’s daily life and its importance in one’s health. Secondly, to develop infor-mation for healthcare professionals - both the generalist and the special-ist. Multiple informational pieces to include a facts and tips guide on living with IBD for patients and healthcare professionals in multiple languages, an infographic on IBD, a brochure, podcasts, and a WGO Handbook on IBD, will be distributed worldwide. . The WDHD 2017 campaign is titled “Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Navigating Evolving Therapies in an Evolving Disease”. Please join us in ensuring its success. Charles Bernstein, MD Chair, WDHD 2017 Campaign Canada
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