Editorial - Welcome to Australia for Gastro 2015! - James Toouli, MD, MBBS, PhD, FRACS


WORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEWS Official e-newsletter of the World Gastroenterology Organisation VOL. 20, ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2015 In this issue www.worldgastroenterology.org Welcome to Australia for Gastro 2015! James Toouli, MD, MBBS, PhD, FRACS Emeritus Professor of Surgery President, World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) Welcome to Gastro 2015, to Brisbane, and Australia. My colleagues and I are excited about presenting this grand event in Australia. I hope to meet as many of you as possible so that I can share with you my enthusiasm for this meeting and my country Australia. Gastro 2015: AGW-WGO Interna-tional Congress combines the World Gastroenterology Organisation Congress with Australian Gastroenterology Week (AGW), the annual scientific meeting of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA). This meeting marks the beginning of the new paradigm for WGO, i.e. two-yearly World Congresses, to be held in conjunction with WGO member societies as co-hosts. I also welcome other related organiza-tions in the field who will participate in this meeting, including: the Australasian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutri-tion (AuSPEN), Australian Pancreatic Club (APC), Society of International Gastroenterological Nurses and Endos-copy Associates (SIGNEA), and Gastro-enterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA). The meeting will be exceptional with over 40 international experts comple-menting local faculty, presenting a pro-gram with numerous concurrent sessions each day in warm springtime weather at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibi-tion Centre. The convention center and congress hotels are located on the banks of the beautiful Brisbane River in the cultural and entertainment precinct. Not only can I promise you a warm welcome and plenty of networking op-portunities with leaders in the field, the congress will also provide five days of academic and practical excellence, show-casing a wide selection of quality research and clinical contributions. The program begins on Monday, 28 September with a Post Graduate Day - with five streams of dedicated post gradu-ate training, including liver, endoscopy, IBD, WGO updates (with details about Global Guidelines and Cascades, Train the Trainers, and Training Centers), and neurogastroenterology - and Lifelong Learning courses presented by AuSPEN and the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), all of outstanding value. The second day commences with a plenary session hosted by myself and Pro-fessor Don Cameron, President of GESA. It will include the Bushell Lecture by Professor Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao and the WGO Distinguished Lecture by Austra-lia’s own Nobel laureate, Professor Barry Marshall. The lectures will be followed by the “Presidents’ Picks” - cutting edge talks paired with the highest ranked submit- Quality in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in 2015. Providing the Best Care for Our Patients. Maria Claudia Stefanoli, MD The World Gastroenterology Organisation Foundation; Some Reflections Eamonn MM Quigley, MD, FRCP, FACP, FACG, FRCPI ...continued on page 4.

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