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WDHD in Uruguay
La Sociedad de Gastroenterología
del Uruguay (SGU) hosted multidisciplinary
activities at the Instituto
Nacional del Cáncer in Montevideo
to mark the celebration of World Digestive
Health Day on 29 May 2019.
WDHD was founded as an initiative
by Dr. Henry Cohen of Uruguay
when he was President of WGO.
That is why the SGU, in adherence
to World Digestive Health Day,
carried out a scientific program, with
references from different specialties,
in which many aspects of interest of
early gastric cancer and colorectal
cancer were discussed.
A whole range of medical professionals
participated, including gastroenterologists,
endoscopists, surgeons,
oncologists and pathologists.
It was an enriching activity from
all points of view, not only for the
scientific program, but also because of
the fellowship between colleagues of
different specialties.
Prof. Henry Cohen addresses the session
Participants of WDHD in Uruguay
Instituto Nacional del Cáncer in Montevideo