Editorial | Expert Point of View | WCOG 2019 | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events
Continued from first page
C (Prof. Gamal Esmat), H. Pylori in
Developing Countries (Prof. David
Armstrong), IBD (Prof. Rami Eliakim),
NASH and NAFL (Prof. Saeed
Hamid), Probiotics and Prebiotics
(Prof. Francisco Guarner), Strongyloidiasis
(Prof. Paul Kelly) and Tuberculosis
(Prof. Mohamed Tahiri).
Sunday 22 September 2019
Day two on Sunday commences with
several sunrise sessions, Pro/Con sessions,
and also a day-long Hands-on-
Ultrasonography Course. A highlight
will be the WGO Presidential Address
given by Prof. Cihan Yurdaydın.
WGO is also pleased to feature a
“Women in GI” session, chaired by
Profs. Naima Amrani, Maryam Al
Khatry and Hale Akpinar. This will
include presentations “Career Opportunities
for Women in GI,” “Role
of Women Mentors and How to
Establish an Academic Career in GI,”
“Do Women in GI Have the Same
Opportunities in the East and West?”
and “Tips and Tricks for a Successful
Career in GI: Pearls From an Expert.”
Prof. Richard Kozarek will deliver
the Henry L. Bockus Lecture, “The
Evolution of Therapeutic Endoscopy:
Where Have We Been? Where Are We
Going?” The Henry L. Bockus Medal
will be awarded to Prof. Kozarek at
this time. Dr. Bockus (1894-1982)
was a leading American gastroenterologist
from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
with a well-deserved reputation due
to the authorship of an outstanding
Gastroenterology treatise and the
organization of specialty postgraduate
courses at the University of Pennsylvania,
which were attended by numerous
physicians from North and South
America as well as from Europe.
He was elected President of the first
World Congress of Gastroenterology,
held in Washington, DC, USA on 29
May 1958.
Additionally WGO will host its
popular Train the Trainers alumni
and faculty luncheon on Sunday,
22 September. All of the 1,000-plus
TTT alumni and faculty are cordially
invited to attend the luncheon from
Day two concludes with the formal
Opening Ceremony.
Monday 23 September 2019
The Hands-on-Ultrasonography
Course continues on Day Three of
the congress. Also for the first time
ever we are partnering with the Journal
of Clinical Gastroenterology (JCG),
the official publication platform for
the WGO’s Global Guidelines in the
English language, on a JCG session,
chaired by Prof. Ronnie Fass (Editorin
Chief of the JCG) and Alejandro
Piscoya (Chair of WGO’s Publications
The WGO General Assembly will
take place on 23 September from
12:15-13:45. The General Assembly,
comprising representatives from all
WGO Member Societies and Regional
Affiliate Associations, reviews the
work of the Governing Council and
attends to other business, including
ratifying the selected bid for the next
World Congress of Gastroenterology.
General Assembly members also vote
on amendments to the statutes and