Editorial | Expert Point of View | Gastro 2018 | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events
The audience participated very
actively in formulating questions and
proposing recommendations.
The reason for the study of these
issues is public health problems, with
Hepatitis B virus one hundred times
more infectious than HIV, and can
stay in the blood on surfaces and
clothes for 15 days and continues to
be infectious. About 270 to 360 million
people are infected worldwide.
Hepatitis C affects 170 million people
infected globally.
During the Forum on Hepatitis B it
was concluded that prevention is the
most important issue, especially for
groups at risk such as health personnel.
The Hepatitis C symposium addressed
topics such as epidemiology,
natural evolution, extrahepatic manifestations
and updated treatments.
On 30th of May we held a discussion
about transmission mechanisms
and prevention directed to students
of the four Schools of the Faculty of
Medicine: Nutrition and Dietetics,
Nursing, Bioanalysis and Medicine.
Each of the classes had between 20 to
80 students participating.
And finally the 31st of May was
highlighted by a Hepatitis B and C
Master Class directed to students of
Delivery of certificates
Drs. Romero and Mengual with Dr. Maria
Gabriela Arteaga, President of the Sociedad
Venezolana de Gastroenterología – Capitulo
Aventura Television interview with Dr. Gisela
Niños Cantores del Estado Zulia Television
interview with Dr. Edgardo Mengual
the postgraduate programs in Gastroenterology,
Hepatology and Internal
Medicine of the HUM and the Central
Hospital of Maracaibo.