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Participants and faculty came from around the globe
a participant to a Train the Trainers
Going beyond seminars, the
workshop also sought to bring the
participants and faculty together
through a variety of teambuilding and
small group activities that highlighted
the beauty and history of Sudanese
culture. The venue itself was opulent
and rich in Sudanese architecture
and featured a setting along the Nile
River – and indeed a boat tour on the
Nile -- and all attendees were treated
Break out session
Train the Trainers Sudan workshop
to the best of Khartoum by their kind
Sudanese hosts.
A truly once-in-a-lifetime workshop,
the invaluable impact of the
training and guidance provided on
the field of adult education combined
with the breathtaking adventure
that is Khartoum is hard to put into
words. So we are pleased to feature
testimonials from one of the participants,
Dr. Pedro Moutinho Ribeiro
from Portugal.
Train The Trainers Workshop (by the World
Gastroenterology Organisation) in Khartoum, Sudan:
Where the Blue and the White Nile get together and head towards the Mediterranean Sea
Pedro Moutinho Ribeiro, Portugal
Train The Trainers em Khartoum, Sudão, onde o
Nilo Azul se encontra com o Branco para juntos,
num só, rumarem ao delta no mediterrâneo.
Foi com alguma resistência e muita expectativa que
aceitei o desafio para, em abril último, me deslocar
a Khartoum, no Sudão, em representação da SPG, para
participar em mais um Train The Trainers (TTT), da
responsabilidade da World Gastroenterology Organisation
Confesso que o entusiasmo com que ouvia falar dos
TTTs, nomeadamente na sua capacidade de interferir na
Train The Trainers Workshop in Khartoum,
Sudan: Where the Blue and the White Nile get
together and head towards the Mediterranean Sea
I accepted the challenge to travel last April to
Khartoum, Sudan to take part in another Train the
Trainers (TTT) Workshop, on behalf of the Portuguese
Society of Gastroenterology, under the responsibility of
the World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) with
great expectations and some doubts.
I confess that the enthusiasm with which I heard of
the TTT Workshops, namely their ability to modify the