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and not dogmatic. Principally healthy
meals are as important as in any other
disease or in healthy population. Food
should be nutritious, balanced and
healthy. Intake of FODMAP containing
foods should be reduced, at least
temporarily. Ingestion of meals including
alcohol and beverages should
respect general healthy indications
and adapted to individual preferences
or intolerances, without causing nutritional
1. Sperber AD, Dumitrascu D, Fukudo
S, Gerson C, Ghoshal UC,
Gwee KA, Hungin APS, Kang JY,
Minhu C, Schmulson M, Bolotin
A, Friger M, Freud T, Whitehead
W. Gut. 2017 ; 66 (6): 1075-1082
2. Drossman DA et al. Rome IV
- Functional Gastrointestinal
Disorders: Disorders of Gut-Brain
Interaction. 4th ed. Vol. I. Raleigh,
NC: The Rome Foundation,
2016: 646
3. Dugum M, Barco K, Garg S.
Managing irritable bowel syndrome:
The low-FODMAP diet.
Cleveland Clin J Med 2016; 83:
4. Gibson PR, Shepherd SJ. Evidence
based dietary management
of functional gastrointestinal
symptoms: The FODMAP approach.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol
2010; 25: 252-258
5. Cozma-Petruţ A, Loghin F, Miere
D, Dumitraşcu DLDiet in irritable
bowel syndrome: What to
recommend, not what to forbid to
patients! World J Gastroenterol.
2017 7 ;23 (21):3771-3783.
6. Rao SS, Yu S, Fedewa A. Systematic
review: dietary fibre and
FODMAP-restricted diet in the
management of constipation and
irritable bowel syndrome. Aliment
Pharmacol Ther 2015; 41: 1256-
7. Muir JG, Gibson PR. The low
FODMAP diet for treatment of irritable
bowel syndrome and other
gastrointestinal disorders. Gastroenterol
Hepatol (N Y) 2013; 9:
8. Staudacher HM, Lomer MC, Anderson
JL, Barrett JS, Muir JG, Irving
PM, Whelan K. Fermentable
carbohydrate restriction reduces
luminal bifidobacteria and gastrointestinal
symptoms in patients
with irritable bowel syndrome. J
Nutr 2012; 142: 1510-1518
9. Biesiekierski JR, Newnham ED,
Irving PM, Barrett JS, Haines M,
Doecke JD, Shepherd SJ, Muir
JG, Gibson PR. Gluten causes
gastrointestinal symptoms in
subjects without celiac disease: a
double-blind randomized placebocontrolled
trial. Am J Gastroenterol
2011; 106: 508-514
Table 2: What IBS patients should eat?:
Level Recommendation
First Good hydration
Second Regular, healthy meals
Third Bread and pasta several servings daily
Fourth Vegetables up to 5 servings daily
Fifth Fruits: 2-3 servings daily
Sixth Animal or plant proteins: 2-3 servings daily
Seventh Milk and dairy: 2-3 servings daily
Eighth Fats, sweets, spices: moderate consumption
Ninth Processed and fried food to be avoided