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WGO Train the Trainers Bucharest 2019
WGO is proud to announce that its
latest Train the Trainers workshop
was a success! Since Train the Trainers
began in 2001, over 1,000 educators
have attended this unique program to
hone their skills in adult education.
The 28th WGO Train the Trainers
(TTT) workshop took place this
past 1 – 4 April 2019 in Bucharest,
Romania. This interactive workshop
was organized by the World Gastroenterology
Organisation (WGO) and
the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology
& Hepatology (SRGH), with
support from the American College of
Gastroenterology. It was made up of
17 modules, included lectures, small
group discussions, and hands-on sessions
while creating the opportunity
for everyone to engage in an open
discussion on many topics related to
teaching and training.
TTT is a highly successful program
designed to disseminate teaching
skills to those gastroenterologists who
hold training positions in their own
countries. Delegates are equipped
with both skills and tools which they
can then implement on their home
ground. Not only has this workshop
been enthusiastically received by
all WGO member societies around
the world, it continues to provide
an excellent forum for the exchange
of ideas and the establishment of
contacts between various countries, in
an environment which is conducive to
learning and interaction.
Opening session led by Prof. Jean-Christophe
Saurin, Chair of the TTT Committee
26 countries spanning the globe were represented
at TTT Bucharest!
The 2019 TTT Bucharest workshop
was a notable addition as it was
the first Train the Trainers workshop
in Eastern Europe in many years.
Romania welcomed participants and
faculty from 26 countries including
several participants from WGO Member
Society countries (Madagascar and
Puerto Rico) that had never before
participated in a Train the Trainers
In particular, TTT Bucharest 2019
was an intensive four-day course
focused on improving the abilities
and educational skills of trainers in
the field of gastroenterology. The
workshop brought together renowned
faculty members from WGO (the
trainers) and participants (the trainees)
from those different countries
and settings around the world, in an
enabling environment to improve
their potential for teaching.
Going beyond the seminars, the
workshop also sought to bring the
Thanks to our gracious hosts from the SRGH! participants and faculty together