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WGO Welcomes Six New
Member Societies!
On 17 October 2017, during the
General Assembly, six Member
Societies were officially ratified as new
members of World Gastroenterology
Organisation. We are honored to
welcome them into the WGO family
and are pleased that these societies
further extend our worldwide reach as
they represent nations in Africa and
the Middle East.
As members of WGO, these
societies now are able to participate
in various activities around the globe,
such as World Congresses of Gastroenterology,
Train the Trainers workshops,
and access to WGO Training
Centers. They also enjoy many other
benefits, including access to WGO
Global Guidelines & Cascades, listing
on the WGO website, and global
promotion of programs and events. If
your society is not yet a member we
hope that you will consider applying.
Details can be found on the WGO
website at: http://www.worldgastroenterology.
A brief description of each of the
six WGO Member Societies is
Société Congolaise de Gastro-entérologie
The Congolese Association of Gastroenterology
/ Société Congolaise de
Gastro-entérologie (SOCONGE) was
founded in the capital city of Kinshasa
in the Democratic Republic of Congo
on 5 November 2005. The society’s
leadership includes Dr. Sébastien
Mbendi Nsukini, President, and Dr.
Jacqueline Nkondi Nsenga, Secretary.
SOCONGE is a non-profit association
with the notable objectives of
training of specialists of the digestive
tract and related organs and the scientific
research in all the fields of the
specialty; the collection, exchange and
circulation of information concerning
the research results; the organization
of conferences, symposia, seminars,
and gastroenterology days; and advising
national authorities responsible
for decisions regarding the issues on
Ghana Association for the Study
of Liver and Digestive Diseases
GASLIDD was inaugurated in 2014
with a membership composed of
doctors and scientists with interest in
gastrointestinal and liver diseases; it
is also open to nurses in endoscopy
Its main mission includes providing
a forum for the exchange of ideas,
knowledge and experiences among
professionals with interest in liver and
digestive diseases in Ghana; promoting
the advancement of health and allied
sciences with particular emphasis
in the field of gastroenterology and
hepatology and to foster progress
in the prevention, recognition and
treatment of digestive diseases; fostering
and promoting the provision of
facilities for research, the education
and training of undergraduates and
postgraduates; and providing, where
necessary, professional and technical
advice to the Ghanaian government.
Dr. Mary Afihene is GASLIDD’s
Association de Gastro-Enterologie
de Madagascar (AGEM)
AGEM was founded in 2009 in the
capital city of Antananarivo. Its mission
is to implement all the necessary
means to combat the morbidity and
mortality of digestive diseases; to
promote and develop clinical research
in the field of gastroenterology; to
promote and publicize the scientific
work of the medical and surgical
teams of gastroenterology; to facilitate
the training of practitioners in the
management of diseases of the digestive
tract; and to analyze the problems
affecting the specialty and to inform
the public authorities. Its President
is Prof. Rado Manitrala Ramanampamonjy
of the Universìty Hospital of
...these societies further
extend our worldwide
reach as they represent
nations in Africa and the
Middle East.
If your society is not yet a
member we hope that you
will consider applying.
The six new Member Societies are from Africa
and the Middle East.