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Live Connections Nearly Double for the Final
Webinar of the 2017 ‘Microbiota Hard Talks
- Live from Texas Medical Center’ Webinar Series
The third and final webinar of the
“Microbiota Hard Talks – Live from
Texas Medical Center” webinar series,
“The Gut-Brain Connection: Can
the Gut Control the Brain?” was
broadcast live on 16 November 2017
from Texas Medical Center in Houston,
Texas, USA. The webinar was
presented by Dr. Luis Maria Bustos-
Fernandez, MD, of the Institute of
Gastroenterology “Dr. Bustos Fernandez”
in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr. Bustos-Fernandez discussed several
topics throughout the webinar in
relation to the Gut-Brain Connection,
including the CTT Model, Stress and
the Human Gut Microbiota, Irritable
Bowel Syndrome, Autism, Alzheimer’s
disease and Parkinson’s disease. At the
end of his presentation, Dr. Bustos-
Fernandez provided some ‘take home
messages’ from the presentation; his
messages are included below.
• The Gut-Brain axis is a bi-directional
neuro-humoral communication
• Stress can modify the intestinal
microenvironment producing a
dysbiotic microbiota.
• Bacteria can modulate behavior
through the vagus nerve, affecting
the metabolism of neurotransmitters.
• In the future, modulation of the
microbiota with psychobiotics
might play an important role in
the neurodegenerative diseases.
MHT Viewership
The live broadcast of the third
webinar had 3,808 live connections
from all continents. Live connections
during the third webinar increased by
41% from the second webinar, and
account for 48% of total live connections
for the complete webinar series.
Overall throughout 2017, 8,005
healthcare professionals connected live
to the webinar series. WGO extends
its appreciation to all who connected
live with us in 2017.
MHT 2018 Update
The Microbiota Hard Talks webinar
series has returned for 2018; all dates
and topics have been announced!
The first webinar for 2018 was
broadcast LIVE on Wednesday, 4
April 2018. Prof. Richard Hunt (UK),
MD, PhD, discussed the Microbiota
of the Stomach – Helicobacter pylori
(H. pylori) and beyond. Throughout
the webinar, Prof. Hunt discussed
several topics in relation to H. pylori
including the evolution of H. pylori,
the connection between H. pylori and
the stomach, the connection between
H. pylori and the gastric microbiome,
Lactobacillus and its potential influence
on H. pylori, and the potential
for better understanding and harnessing
the gastric microbiota. Conclusions
drawn by Prof. Hunt at the close
of the webinar are detailed below.
• H. pylori eradication cures peptic
ulcer, reduces incidence of gastric
cancer, et cetera.
• There’s increasing evidence for a
diverse gastric microbiome which
differs in health and disease.
• Lactobacilli found in humans can
modulate gastric acid through
• Lactobacilli modulate H. pylori
colonization and other gut bacteria;
also, may reduce inflammation.
• Probiotics are not yet recommended
for eradication of H. pylori;
studies are poor and the evidence
• Concept of a selected Lactobacillus
for acid release diseases: dyspepsia
and heartburn.
REGISTER NOW so you don’t miss
the opportunity to connect LIVE
this year, http://edge.media-server.
en/?referrer=5nzqxt97! If you missed
Prof. Hunt’s webinar, it is also available
The live broadcast of the
third webinar had 3,808
live connections from all
Overall throughout
2017, 8,005 healthcare
professionals connected
live to the webinar series.