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Summary of the XXIII United
Russian Gastroenterology Week
Arkady Sheptulin, MD
Professor, Chair of Internal Disease Propedeutics
Sechenov 1st Moscow State Medical University,
Russian Federation
The XXIII United Russian Gastroenterology
Week (URGW) took place
in Moscow with the strong support
of the Russian Federation Ministry
of Health and its Gastroenterology
Profile Board, the Russian Academy
of Science and the Russian Gastroenterological
Association (RGA)
from 9 to 11 October 2017. About
4,000 physicians of various specialties
(gastroenterologists, surgeons,
pediatricians, general practitioners,
etc.) participated in it. More than
700 physicians participated in the
postgraduate course (Russian National
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
School), provided just before URGW.
16 plenary and section sessions were
held during the URGW, dedicated to
such a relevant problems as pathophysiological
aspects of gastroesophageal
reflux disease (GERD) (motility
disturbances, inflammation), modern
approaches in the diagnosis and treatment
of Helicobacter pylori infection,
correlations between chronic gastritis
and functional dyspepsia, up-to-date
diagnostic methods and treatment of
treatment of acid-related diseases,
modern endoscopic methods of diagnostics
and treatment of premalignant
gastric diseases, Rome IV criteria of
functional gastrointestinal disorders,
modern options of endosonography
in diagnostics of gastroenterological
diseases, early diagnosis, treatment
and prevention of colorectal
carcinoma, modern approaches in
the treatment of Crohn’s disease and
ulcerative colitis, clinical aspects of
diverticulosis, comorbidity in nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease (metabolic
syndrome, cardiovascular diseases)
and microbiota disorders in various
gastroenterological diseases. The
poster session included many posters,
which were presented and discussed
RGA presented, discussed, and
approved its new clinical guidelines
for diagnosis and treatment of chronic
gastritis, functional dyspepsia, irritable
bowel syndrome, gallbladder and
Oddi sphincter disorders, developed
in consideration of the Rome IV
criteria of functional gastrointestinal
diseases (2016) and the Kyoto global
consensus report on Helicobacter pylori
gastritis (2015).
V.T. Ivashkin, the president of
RGA, presented state-of-the art lectures,
in particular, “Neurophysiological
aspects and microbiota in irritable
bowel syndrome,” “Biological therapy
in patients with inflammatory bowel
RGA presented, discussed,
and approved its new
clinical guidelines for
diagnosis and treatment of
chronic gastritis, functional
dyspepsia, irritable bowel
syndrome, gallbladder and
Oddi sphincter disorders…
The special meeting of the
Gastroenterology Profile
Board attached to the
Russian Federation Ministry
of Health was provided
during the URGW.
United Russian Gastroenterology Week -
Plenary session.
Prof. Vladimir Ivashkin, President of the Russian
Gastroenterological Association.
gallbladder and pancreatic disorders,
the treatment of liver diseases complications,
the role of microbiota in
bowel diseases, the recent methods of
radio diagnostics in gastroenterology,
actual problems of pediatric gastroenterology,
and the role of nutrition in
the development of gastroenterological
41 clinical symposia were also
held, where a wide range of current
gastroenterological problems were
discussed: rare diseases of esophagus,
achievements and challenges in the