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diseases,” and “Epidemiology of hepatic
diseases in Russia”. Well known
gastroenterologists from abroad, J.
Mössner (Germany), W. Fischbach
(Germany), M. Neureddin (USA), M.
Swain (Canada) and D. Jones (UK),
also took part in URGW and successfully
presented their lectures with a
very positive feedback.
The special meeting of the Gastroenterology
Profile Board attached
to the Russian Federation Ministry
of Health was provided during the
URGW. The Gastroenterologistin
Chief of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Health and President
of RGA, V.T. Ivashkin, reported on
successes and challenges of reducing
mortality from gastroenterological
diseases (especially from gastric
carcinoma and colorectal carcinoma)
and emphasized the importance of
endoscopic screening of these diseases.
The Gastroenterologists-in-Chief
of Privolzhski Federal District O.P.
Alexeeva (Nizhny Novgorod), Sibirski
Federal District V.V. Tsukanov
(Krasnoyarsk), Far Eastern Federal
District S.A. Alexeenko (Khabarovsk)
reported on main causes of mortality
from gastroenterological diseases in
their regions (liver cirrhosis, upper
GI bleeding, malignancy of stomach,
colon, rectum, liver and pancreas,
acute pancreatitis) and noted the
important role of the regular clinical
examination (including the endoscopic
screening) for the prevention
and treatment of gastroenterological
diseases and the early eradication of
H. pylori infection.
URGW participants pointed out
the high scientific level of all the
materials presented in the conference
and noted the importance of constant
post-graduate education of physicians
in gastroenterology.
Prof. Alexander Trukhmanov, Secretary
General of Russian Gastroenterological Association.