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The 8th Congress of the Africa
Middle East Association for
Gastroenterology - AMAGE 2017
The 8th Congress of the Africa Middle
East Association for Gastroenterology,
“Challenges Facing Gastroenterology
Practice in Africa and the Middle
East,” took place on 5-9 July 2017 in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The congress
was held jointly with the African
Middle East Association of Gastroenterology
(AMAGE) and the Ethiopian
Gastroenterology Association with
official representation from the World
Gastroenterology Organisation. The
meeting was held at the United Nations
Conference Center (UNCC),
located in the center of Addis Ababa
and allowed gastroenterologists and
allied professionals the opportunity to
interact, network and exchange ideas
with colleagues.
The 4-day program was executed
by world-renowned experts representing
Ethiopia, AMAGE and
WGO and covered various liver
topics and provided workshops on
endoscopic procedures and management
as well as GIT Nurse training.
Attendees also had the opportunity
to experience a taste of Ethiopian
culture, filled with authentic cuisines,
cultural dances with unique Ethiopian
coffee ceremonies and exquisite
hospitality. The congress helped to
achieve AMAGE’s mission to connect
African and Middle Eastern countries
and to promote education and training
in the field of gastroenterology in
The congress helped to
achieve AMAGE’s mission
to connect African and
Middle Eastern countries
and to promote education
and training in the field of
gastroenterology in the
Caley Mutrie, WGO Executive Director, and
Ashley Huren-Johnson, Program Manager,
staffing the WGO booth.
(L to R) Sandie Thomson, WGO South African
Gastroenterological Society - Academy of Digestive
Diseases (SAGES-ADD) Training Center
Director; Amir Sultan, WGO Addis Ababa Training
Center Director; Cihan Yurdaydin, 2015-2017
WGO President-Elect and Chair of the WGO
Foundation; Naima Amrani, 2015-2017 WGO
Secretary General, David Bjorkman, 2015-2017
WGO President, and Damon Bizos, 2015-2017
Chair of the Train the Trainers Committee.
David Bjorkman, 2015-2017 President of WGO,
and Walid Sweidan, Secretary of the Palestinian
Society of Gastroenterology. the region. The 9th Congress of the
Africa Middle East Association for
Gastroenterology has been proposed
to take place in 2019 in Beirut, Lebanon.
For more information about the
8th Congress of the Africa Middle
East Association for Gastroenterology,
please visit http://www.amageethiopia.