Editorial | Expert Point of View | WCOG at ACG 2017 | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events
Message from the Editors
Mário Reis Álvares-da-Silva, MD, PhD
Professor of Hepatology
Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG
Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington, USA
Welcome to this fresh and exciting
e-WGN issue. We hope you will enjoy
it as much as we have. Definitely, it
is a special issue, full of worldwide
insights on Gastroenterology’s future
pathways and challenges. The new
WGO president Dr. Cihan Yurdayin’s
message opens the issue—he asks us
if there is still a need for the WGO.
He answers this provocative question
by noting that it is a unique organization,
and differs from national and
regional GI societies as it has a special
moral mission. He reinforces that the
WGO needs to continue to be strong
and interactive.
Please, do not miss the comprehensive
article on the appropriate use of
fecal calprotectin, as the author Dr.
VG Naidoo, from South Africa, did
a great job discussing its utility and
Following the reading, it is time
to celebrate the World Congress of
Gastroenterology at ACG 2017,
held in Orlando, Florida, USA, last
fall. More than 5,000 attendees from
nearly 70 countries gathered to hear
the latest scientific advances in digestive
diseases. Indeed for the first time,
many sessions were offered in Spanish,
given the large number of Latin
American physicians. What a good
idea! During the meeting, WGO announced
the recipients of the Masters
of the WGO (MWGO) Award. We
are also proud to congratulate Drs.
Julio Bai, from Argentina, Khean-Lee
Goh, from Malaysia, Günter Krejs,
from Austria, Shuji Shimizu, from
Japan, and Sandie Thomson, from
South Africa, the newest MWGOs.
This e-WGN issue highlights some
other important honors given during
the meeting to Dr. Shiv Kumar
Sarin and Eamonn Quigley for their
valuable contributions to GI and liver
We also have reports from many
regional meetings, from Guatemala
to Russia, and the WGO plans for
2018 - from Portugal to Thailand,
as well as some opportunities for
training. WGO has now six new
member societies – from Democratic
Republic of Congo, Ghana, Madagascar,
Palestine, Rwanda and Zambia
(we welcome you all!). Take a look at
them in this issue.
Finally, remember WGO is now
live on LinkedIn. So, let’s get social
with WGO!