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organization they cannot replace face
to face meetings. More importantly
the WGO leadership needs to interact
through its committees and interest
groups with members of these groups.
In Turkey, we have the dictum “far
from the eye-far from the heart”. The
WGO leadership was and is aware of
this. We have tried to come together
at our regional meetings or at a world
congress- however, the attendance
of committee and interest group
members dropped compared to past
years. Therefore, starting in 2018, we
will have a face to face meeting with
members of committees and interest
groups as in the past at DDW, and
depending on input from members,
these meetings will continue once
a year either at DDW or UEG, the
two meetings most of our members
are likely to attend. Committee and
interest group meetings will also continue
to be held at the WGO World
Congress and interim-year regional
conferences, which are co-organized
with our member societies. Our
motto is that we want to embrace our
bigger family and want to learn from
them to better serve them.
WGO is a well needed and unique organization
with a very moral mission.
Until the world is a perfect place,
WGO is needed. It is a privilege and
honor for all of us working for WGO
at different steps of this organization
to be part of it, and a very special
thanks goes to all who have served this