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Global Guidelines

The WGO Guidelines Library contains practice guidelines written from a viewpoint of global applicability. WGO Guidelines are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mandarin, and Russian. Читайте практические рекомендации на русском языке or 请进中文指南网页. WGO Guidelines go through a rigorous process of authoring, editing, and peer review and are as evidence based as possible. Ultimate responsibility and editorial control lies with the WGO Guidelines Committee.

While each guideline includes references to other relevant guidelines, WGO is the only organization who has adopted a global focus. Cascade-based WGO guidelines offer different options for diagnosis and treatment depending on the available resources.

Cascade: a hierarchical set of diagnostic or therapeutic techniques for the same disease, ranked according to the resources available.

Learn how the addition of ‘Cascades’ to guidelines increases their impact in large parts of the world in this article by Drs. Michael Fried, MD, and Justus Krabshuis.

WGO Guidelines are globally applicable by the nature of their cascades, which identify other ways of achieving the best possible outcome by taking the available resources into account. In addition, each guideline review team includes non-Western experts with direct knowledge of conditions in their regions.





Acute Diarrhea 2012 Yes
Acute Viral Hepatitis 2003 No
Asymptomatic Gallstone Disease 2002 No
Celiac Disease (new translations) 2016 Yes
Colorectal Cancer Screening 2007 Yes
Common GI Symptoms 2013 Yes
Constipation 2010 Yes
Diet and the Gut (new translations) 2018 Yes
Digestive Tract Tuberculosis (new) 2021 Yes
Diverticular Disease 2007 No
Dysphagia 2014 Yes
Endoscope Disinfection (newly updated) 2019 No
Esophageal Varices 2014 Yes
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (new translations) 2015 Yes
Helicobacter Pylori (newly updated) 2021 Yes
Hepatitis B 2015 Yes
Hepatitis C 2017 Yes
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 2009 Yes
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) 2015 Yes
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 2015 Yes
NAFLD & NASH 2012 Yes
Needlestick Injury 2002 No
Obesity 2011 Yes
Pancreatic Cystic Lesions (NEW) 2019 No
Probiotics and Prebiotics 2017 No
Radiation Protection in the Endoscopy Suite 2009 Yes
Strongyloidiasis (newly updated) 2018 Yes


Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright of these Guidelines is retained by WGO. Users may download or print copies for their own use and may photocopy guidelines for the purpose of producing local protocols. However, republishing any guideline or part of any guideline, in any form, without specific authorization from WGO is specifically prohibited. Permission to reproduce or republish WGO Guidelines or excerpts from Guidelines can be obtained from the WGO Executive Secretariat, 555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100, Milwaukee, WI 53202 USA or by e-mail: WGO does not endorse in any way derivative or excerpted materials based on these Guidelines and it cannot be held liable for the content or use of any such adapted products. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these electronic WGO Guidelines, WGO cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions and assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage resulting from the use of information contained in these Guidelines.

Related Items

View the guidelines in Mandarin
View the Guidelines in Mandarin

View the guidelines in Russian
View the Guidelines in Russian

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Virtual Room of Gastroenterology
The WGO Virtual Room of Gastroenterology (VRG) is an information platform for gastroenterologists. The VRG offers custom made searches in PubMed to complement the WGO Global Guideline topics.
>> Access to the VRG is under construction

Publication News


View the article about the
WGO Global Guidelines in Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology

Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology (JCG) is the official publication platform for WGO’s Global Guidelines in the English language. The WGO-JCG cooperation also covers WGO society news and WGO review articles in the JCG. Additionally, WGO is represented in the JCG editorial board.
>> See the table of contents the latest issue of JCG.