Please click on a topic to view a list of its relevant links below. Then click the title of any individual link to be directed to that page. Any questions regarding these resources please email:
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Personal Care and Stress Management
President-Elect and Chair of the WGO Foundation
Prof. Guilherme Macedo
Centro Hospitalar São João
Personal Care and Stress Management - Statement from Guilherme Macedo and Filipe Vilas Boas (added 28 April, 2020)
Additional Resources
Psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak (Available in English) (added 28 April, 2020)
Survey conducted in China (1210 respondents from 194 cities) during the initial outbreak of COVID-19. More than half of respondents rated the psychological impact of the outbreak as moderate or severe.
Managing Healthcare workers stress during COVID-19 outbreak (Available in English and Spanish) (added 28 April, 2020)
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs document that provides guidance on the monitoring and assessment of mental health and wellbeing of health care personnel. The document describes strategies to deal with stress.
Mental health and psychological considerations during COVID-19 outbreak (Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic) (added 28 April, 2020)
WHO Messages to Support Mental and Psychosocial Well-being in Different Target Groups
COVID-19 and Medical Staff Mental Health (available in English) (added 28 April, 2020)
Letter published in Lancet Psychiatry (February 5, 2020) describing implemented policies to protect the mental health of medical workers by the RenMin Hospital of Wuhan University and Mental Health Center of Wuhan.
COVID-19 and Medical Staff Mental Health (available in English) (added 28 April, 2020)
Letter published in Lancet Psychiatry (February 18, 2020) describing the psychological interventional plan for medical staff developed in the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Hunan Province.
Psychological status of medical workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic (available in English) (added 28 April, 2020)
Cross-sectional study that assessed the occurrence of fear, anxiety and depression on medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Psychological impact of quarantine (available in English) (added 28 April, 2020)
G James Rubin and Simon Wessely from King’s College, London, lecture about the short and long-term psychological effects of quarantine (added 28 April, 2020)
Review that included 24 papers on the negative psychological effects of quarantine, including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion and anger. The authors suggest measures to mitigate its consequences.
Strategies to combat psychological impact of COVID-19 (available in English) (added 28 April, 2020)
The authors from Singapore describe the plan to improve psychological intervention during the pandemic.
Covid-19 and Mental Health (added 31 March, 2020)
Coronavirus and your Wellbeing (updated 26 March, 2020)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Chair, Clinical Research Committee
Desmond Leddin, MB, MSc, FRCPC, FRCPI
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Canada
Dr. Desmond Leddin, MB, MSc, FRCPC, FRCPI, Chair, WGO Clinical Research Committee, in collaboration with members of the WGO Clinical Research Committee, wishes to provide guidance with regard to the utilization of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for the prevention of infection from COVID-19 in health care workers performing gastrointestinal endoscopy, with special reference to low resource situations. Download and read here or by clicking the link below!
Personal Protection Equipment for Endoscopy in Low Resource Settings during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance from the World Gastroenterology Organisation (added 11 May 2020)
Additional Resources
ECRI - COVID-19 Resource Center (added 7 April, 2020)
Safety of Extended Use and Reuse of N95 Respirators (added 7 April, 2020)
COVID-19 and Medical Devices: Safe Respirator Usage When Supplies Are Short (added 7 April, 2020)
Recommended Guidance for Extended Use and Limited Reuse of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators in Healthcare Settings (updated 28 March, 2020)
N95 Re-Use Strategies ()
Training and Fit Testing of Health Care Personnel for Reusable Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirators Compared With Disposable N95 Respirators (added 31 March, 2020)
Decontamination and Reuse of N95 Respirators with Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor 1 to Address Worldwide Personal Protective Equipment Shortages During the 2 SARSâ€CoVâ€2 (COVIDâ€19) Pandemic (added 31 March, 2020)
AGA Institute Rapid Recommendations for Gastrointestinal Procedures During
the COVID-19 Pandemic (added 7 April, 2020)
Virtual Care and Telemedicine for Gastroenterologists
Chair, Publications Committee
Prof. Alejandro Piscoya
Hospital Guillermo Kaelin de La Fuente
Telemedicine in digestive diseases during COVID (added 29 April, 2020)
Management of Patients with Liver Disease
Past President and Chair of Nominations
Prof. Cihan Yurdaydin
Koc University Medical School
Dept. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Chair, Hepatology Interest Group
Prof. Saeed Hamid
Aga Khan University, Department of Medicine
Drs. Cihan Yurdaydin, Past President and Chair of Nominations and Saeed Hamid, Chair of the WGO Hepatology Interest Group, in collaboration with members of the WGO Hepatology Interest Group, present general clinical guidelines for patients with COVID-19 and Liver Disease. Download and read it here or by clicking the link below!
WGO Guidance for Patients with COVID-19 and liver disease - (added 3 June 2020)
Additional Resource
BSG/BASL COVID-19 Advice on Hepatalogy patient risk groups
Management of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Management of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Statement from Charles Bernstein (added 30 April, 2020)
BSG expanded consensus advice for the management of IBD during the COVID-19 pandemic
General Medical Resources for GI Practitioners Managing Suspected COVID-19 Patients
Clinical management of suspected severe COVID-19 cases (available in English) (updated 13 March, 2020)
Guidance for quarantine of individuals (available in English, Chinese, French, and Arabic) (updated 19 March, 2020)
Home care guidelines for patients with mild symptoms, and management of their contacts (available in English) (updated 17 March, 2020)
GI and Liver Manifestations of COVID-19
Chair, WGO Train the Trainers Committee
Prof. Jean-Christophe Saurin
Lyon, France
Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Hépato-Gastroentérologie
Dr. Jean-Christophe Saurin, Chair, WGO Train the Trainers Committee addresses the GI and Liver Manifestations of COVID-19 and provides recommendations for hepatologists and gastroenterologists. Download and read it here or by clicking the link below.
COVID-19 situation in the world and particular role of the WGO (added 8 June 2020)
Additional Links
American Journal of Gastroenterology pre-proof manuscript describing clinical characteristics and GI symptoms in 204 Chinese patients with COVID-19 (updated 18 March, 2020)
EASL: COVID-19 and the Liver (added 7 April, 2020)
EASL-ESCMID Position Paper: Care of patients with liver disease during the COVID-19 pandemic (Added April 2, 2020)
Summary regarding liver test abnormalities and monitoring of liver function in suspected COVID-19:
AASLD COVID19 Resources (added April 7,2020)
APASL - COVID19 Webinar - Coming Soon! (added April 7, 2020)
AGA Institute Rapid Recommendations for Gastrointestinal Procedures During
the COVID-19 Pandemic (added 7 April, 2020)
Endoscopy activity and COVID-19: BSG and JAG guidance(updated 7 April, 2020)
BSG/JAG summary recommendations for PPE in Endoscopy – protecting staff, patients and the PPE supply chain (updated 7 April, 2020)
Review from Italian endoscopists on patient management and risk assessment, PPE, patient dress code, endoscopy personnel precautions, and endoscopy room decontamination (Added 2 April, 2020):
Summary of national society recommendations regarding performance of GI endoscopy including triage, prescreening, use of PPE, and follow-up (Added 30 March, 2020):
ASGE, AASLD, AGA and ACG joint statement on triage of endoscopy procedures (Added 31 March, 2020):
Resources from WGO Member Societies and Regional Affiliate Associations