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World Gastroenterology Organisation
World Gastroenterology Organisation

Mission, Vision, and Objectives

Mission of the WGO

To promote, to the general public and healthcare professional alike, an awareness of the worldwide prevalence and optimal care of gastrointestinal and liver disorders, and to improve care of these disorders, through the provision of high quality, accessible and independent education and training.

WGO Vision: Global Guardian of Digestive Health. Serving the World

Gastrointestinal and liver disorders are preeminent among healthcare issues globally, a significant burden to national healthcare budgets and the single greatest cause of cancer death. While an increasing awareness of causative factors, coupled with dramatic advances in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches have led to improvements in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of  gastrointestinal and liver disorders, these benefits have not been transmitted equally across the world and, especially, to those in greatest need.

As the global representative for gastroenterology and hepatology, the role of WGO is to:

WGO Objectives