WGO Practice Guideline - Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
More than 600,000 people die from Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) each year. Worldwide research on the disease needs to be intensified in both the medical and pharmaceutical fields, especially with a focus on providing help to areas where resources are limited.
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Review Team
- Peter Ferenci (Chair, Austria)
- Michael Fried (Switzerland)
- Douglas Labrecque (USA)
- Jordi. Bruix (Spain)
- Morris Sherman (Canada)
- Masao Omata (Japan)
- Jenny Heathcote (Canada)
- Teehra Piratsivuth (Thailand)
- Mike Kew (South Africa)
- Jesse A. Otegbayo (Nigeria)
- S.S. Zheng (China)
- Shiv Kumar Sarin (India)
- Saeed S. Hamid (Pakistan)
- Salma Barakat Modawi (Sudan)
- Wolfgang Fleig (Germany)
- Suliman Fedail (Sudan)
- Alan Thomson (Canada)
- Aamir Khan (Pakistan)
- Peter Malfertheiner (Germany)
- George Lau (Hong Kong)
- Flair J. Carillo (Brazil)
- Justus H. Krabshuis (France)
- Anton Le Mair (The Netherlands)