The World Digestive Health Day Campaign is led by the following individuals representing a global view and expertise. Throughout 2017, the Steering Committee will guide the course of the WDHD campaign, leading in the development of tools and activities, including the WDHD Handbook.
Chair, WDHD 2017Charles Bernstein |
President-Elect, WGO
Vice Chair, WGO FoundationRichard Hunt |
MemberIris Dotan |
MemberSuliman Fedail |
MemberRichard Gearry |
MemberAnne Griffiths |
MemberSaeed Hamid |
MemberToshifumi Hibi |
MemberSiew Ng |
MemberFlavio Steinwurz |
MemberSimon Travis |
MemberJesus-K Yamamoto-Furusho |